Thursday, April 19, 2007

honeycomb in manhattan

life in manhattan is different. not just out of the ordinary but extraordinarily different than living anywhere else in the world. for instance. i am sitting in the kitchen which holds many things, amongst me is a bookshelf six stories high packed with inspiration, photos, notes, alters and a clock even (set to paris time). a cat keeps me company on a newly imported dining room table that takes up most of the space but serves its purpose as my makeshift desk in my makeshift office. i can use the sink without even getting up as well as access the fridge which is 1/2 an arms reach away. i write to you while downing as much water as possible (i'm sick and tyring to flush out my system) and chomping on honeycomb and languishing on honey to heal the swollen glands in my throat. it just seemed like a simple moment that only manhattan could bring and i wanted to share.
love and baby kisses.

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