i mean, in all reality, really.
i have a guitar on my kitchen table, sitting next to me, breathing in some fucked up tuning. i can't find my tuner and i had to tune from scratch by ear, all kindsa fun.
wanna see my new apartment? here's me at the dooooooooor, see - apartment 3a!
i'm still unpacking all my boxes. never lived in a place without closets before, kinda took them for granted, you know, places to put your stuff...so i'm now perfecting the art of stacking and repacking and storing things under my tub (yes it's in the kitchen) and next to the stove...
late last night i found betty the buddha girl. she's been with me for about 8 years now and it was awesome to find her in one piece...she has found a new home on my windowsill!
tomorrow i tackle finding a place for my stereo. once it's on and i'm playing a record then i will feel 'officially' moved in and ready to go run amok.
i come alive in this city. it feels home more than any other place. i felt comfortable in sf, hell i loooooooved it...but this city wakes up all the angels and demons in me and doesn't relent.
it brings me beauty in every moment.
i've got a stack of books by my bed i'm determined to get through this summer:
henry miller - sexus
william burroughs - naked lunch
alex grey - the mission of art
gabriel garcia marquez - 100 years of solitude
naomi klien - no logo
carl jung - man and his symbols
i'll get more adventurous in the next few days and put up pictures of my apartment and maybe even all the people i'm falling in love with.
have i mentioned there are MILLIONS of people living in this city???
okay maybe even IIIIII need sleep...until next time.
here's a little treat...thank you street pole in the east village