Tuesday, January 8, 2008

transition. determination. destination.

after being out just about every single night for the past 8 months....i must admit having a home and staying in cooking meals and reading has been heaven. not that i don't enjoy the madness that is new york. it's just time, to sit and recuperate and refocus on the madness that is happening on the inside. i realize my capacity to love is ever expanding. and new skin brings new depths. and fear only releases the need to express even more the emotions that come. i have been reading books on love. not romance. but the treasure of the soul when it finds that which instigates unfiltered joy. 'straight is the gate' is a very old, classic french novel that i read in one sitting. it brought out the pains of love as it carries two young loves into life, unresolved in their union. it resonated with all that i am feeling at the moment. that which you truly love lasts forever. and even if you are determined to spirit it away or carry it into another room or time or face...it will remain. it will hold onto you until death. it is a beautiful and heart-sickening truth. and i don't believe there is only one love that will find and bind to the heart, but i believe that the truth of our souls will want just one. and we must move to that rhythm. and we must make sense of that which is removed from our path, from our own resistance or the fate of an other. this is the way in which i live. this is the truth of what i know.

in other news. words and hope filter through me. soon these new songs will be born. the ones that have been trying to come through. those that up until now have had no home. trust. curse. loves lasts forever. 1,000 miles. war. gypsy love. and more and more and more. many solo shows coming up to bring these out. it's good to be back in this space...

for now i send sound to the wounds that have come and will come again. and hope to those that cannot hear me. i'm coming. i'm coming. i will be there soon.


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