game on. bklyn, i love you! it's true. rampant screaming rain. thunder. lightening. surprise visit from a los angeles partner in crime. walking at least 8 miles. crossing the williamsburg bridge on foot. laying all the way down on aforementioned and very wet bridge. predicting the weather. 7 minutes anyone? spain winning the euro cup. spike hill madness. seeing jes hudak singing backup for enrique iglasius/ [rad]. impromptu brazilian dance parties. secret art galleries. insanely beautiful debaucerous graffiti. glasslands how i adore you and cannot wait to find you again. rockstar bar how tragically hip you are i can't wait to play there. kent street with your red door and art (ichobod? jesus? yes!). wandering wandering wandering. perfect. jax and taly. ummm you rule. oh yes and do not ever forget roebeling tea house. omg yum in my mouth.
and manhattan you are still loved too. for your amazing thai food, pukk you save my soul. hell's kitchen for your brand new irish bar. doc holiday's for bringing me stellar friends and more fun than anyone should be allowed to have with a jukebox. meridith, christian, i love you.
all of this. in under 24 hours? a good sunday indeed. ladies and gentlemen. kim garrison is back.
get the full [visual] scoop
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